Springfield High School Class of 1951
Clark Street Friendship
Members of Clark Street Friendship had a very busy agenda this year. Most important of the dances were the "Cherry Ball" and the spring "Coronation Ball", which was held with Hi-Y. From the monney collected, they sent delegates to the Otterbein conference and to the Columbus Planning Board. They also filled a Thanksgiving basket for a needy family.

Seated (left to right) Clarinna Reese, Marlene Lyles, Cleanna Worthington, Ethel Glenn, Toni Adams, Janis Murphy, Nasirah Hatcher, Joan Hardy, Mary Carter, Marjorie Morgan, Sandra Smith, Ruth Stevenson, Patricia Palmer. Standing (left to right) Rosie Clark, Jane Martin, Mary Martin, Patricia Lynn, Bettina Roberts, Joy West, Caroly Henry, Roberta Upshaw, Ruth Clark, Revilla Sanders, Joan Rogers, Dorothy Kelly.
Have you ever wondered what to do after a football or a basketball game on Friday night? By al means, don't wate any time. Hurry right over to "El Som" at tye Y. W. There's dancing and entertainment until 11:45.
Where else in Springfield could you have such a good time on one thin dime?

Board members Ruthie Spragg, Nancy Shaw, Doug Miranda, Bryer Chynoweth, Denny Tumblinson, Carol Berman, and Joyce Osborn, pick out records for the next El Som get-together.
Senior Hi-Y
This year the Senior Hi-Y has contributed much to the prestige of Hi-Y. Their activities, which were many and varied, included a swimming party; three combined meetings with Friendship Club; a bake sale; and Harvest Moon, a very successful dance. Also, the seniors were instrumental in inaugurating the new Urbana Hi-Y. The year was climaxed by an all day party at Camp Evergreen

Front row (left to right); Jim Hagans, Jim McCampbell, Bob Hebble, Don Morris, Charles Broucher, Jim Bull. Second row: Roger McClure, Dick Johnson, Denny Tumblison, George Campbell, Tom Jones. Third row: Jim Kincaid, Mitchell Greenawalt, Norman Endter, Joe Weikert, Bruce Tipton, Ralph Allen.