Clark County, Ohio

History and Genealogy

Springfield High School Class of 1951

Senior Student Activities

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N| O | P | R | S | T | U | W | Y

NEESE, DOLLY JO — Academic General, Star and Chevron 2 Chevrons, Slice It Thin Crew, B Choir 2, A Glee 3, B Glee 2, Commercial 3 4, Friendship 3 4, Boosters' 3 4

NELSON, DAVID (Dave) — Academic General, Star and Chevron 1 Chevron, Slice It Thin Cast, A Choir 3 4, B Choir 2, Boys' Ensemble 4, Cross Country 3 4, Track 3 4 "S" 3, Latin 2, Dramatics 2, Boosters' 3 4

NEUBERG, VIVIAN (Viv) — College Prep, National Honor Society, Star and Chevron Pin, State Radio Contest, Forum, A Christmas Carol, Slice It Thin Cast, Speech Team 2 3 4, Radio Plays 2 3 4, B Choir 2, Latin 2, French 2, Dramatics 2, NTS 2 3 4, NFL 2 3 4, FTA 3 4, Friendship 2 3 4, El Som 2 3 4, Boosters' 2 3 4, Girls' Council 3, Youth Gov. Day 4

NICEWANTER, DALLAS — Academic General, Baseball 4

NORDSTROM, DON — College Prep, National Honor Society, Forum 4, Latin 2, German 3 4, Star and Atom 3 4, Dramatics 2, NFL 4, Boosters' 2 3 4

OBERLIN, EMERSON (Tad) — College Prep, Star and Chevron Pin, Debate, A Choir 3 4, B Choir 2, Ensemble 4, Latin 2, French 3 4, Soph. History Forum, NFL 2 3 4, Boosters' 2, Varsity "S" 2 3, Youth Gov. Day 4

OFFUTT, LEE ANN (Sparky) — Academic General, Majorette 3 4, Bowling 3, Boosters' 2 3 4

OLIVER, GERALD (Austin) — Academic General, Boosters' 3 4, Boys' Council 4

OSBORN, PAUL (Freddie) — College Prep, A Choir 4, Ensemble 4

OWEN, LAWRENCE (Larry) — Academic General, Cross Country 3 4, Track 2 3 4, Boosters' 4

PAIGE, RUBY — Academic General, GAA 2 3, Friendship 2 3 4 Sec., Skylighters 2 3

PARKER, DELMAR — Academic General

PENDERGRAFT, RUBY — Academic General, B Glee 2, Girls' Council 3

PENDLETON, ALICE — Academic General

PETERS, PATRICIA (Pat) — College Prep, A Choir 3 4, B Glee 2, Latin 2, German 3 4, Soph. History Forum, Boosters' 2 3

PIERSON, CAROL (King) — College Prep, Star and Chevron 1 Chevron, Slice It Thin Crew, Contest Plays Crew, Radio Plays Crew, B Choir 2, A Glee 3 4, Latin 2, Spanish 3, Bowling 3, Friendship 3, El Som 2 3, Boosters' 3 4

PITZER, HELEN — Academic General, B Glee 3

PLUMM, ROBERT (Bob) — Academic General, Basketball 2, Baseball 2, Bowling 3, Boosters' 4

POTTS, PHYLLIS JEAN (Phyl) — Academic General, Bolts and Nuts Crew, A Choir 3, B Choir 2, Latin 2, German 3 4, Bowling 3, Boosters' 2 3 4

PLYMALE, GENEVA — Academic General, A Christmas Carol Crew, Slice It Thin Crew, Philirenean 4, Social Science 3 4, FTA 4, FRO 3 4, Friendship 3 4, Boosters' 3 4, Dramatics 4

PRATT, MARY — College Prep, National Honor Society, Star and Chevron 2 Chevrons, Orchestra 2 3 4, Latin 2, Philirenean 3 4, Dramatics 2

PYLE, BETTY — Academic General

RANDALL, DAVID — Academic General

RAPP, CHARLES (Charlie) — Academic General, Star and Chevron Pin, Band 2 3 4, Grade School Coach 2 3, German 3 4, Boosters' 4

REEVES, MARJORIE — College Prep, Star and Chevron Pin, Girls' Council, Slice It Thin Crew 3, Relay Queen 4, Latin 2, English 4, Philirenean 2 3 4, Biology 3, Art 3, Dramatics 2 Treas. 2, Bowling Pres. 3, Friendship 2 3 4, El Som 2 3 4, Boosters' 2 3 4, Treasurer of Senior Class

REID, ELDRIDGE — Academic General

REUTER, STEWART (Stew) — College Prep, Star and Chevron Pin, Slice It Thin Cast, Tennis 3 4, Latin 2, French 3 4, Star and Atom 3, Biology 2, FTA 3 4, Treas. 4, Hi-Y 3 4, Boosters' 2 3 4, Boys' Council 3, Youth Gov. Day 4

RICE, MARGARET (Maggie) — Distributive Education, FRO 4, Boosters' 4, Girls' Council 4

RICKABAUGH, RODGER (Rick) — Academic General, B Choir 2, Cross Country 2, Track 2, 100 mile emblem

RIDENOUR, DONALD (Mouldy) — Academic General, Star and Chevron Pin, Band 2 3 4, Industrial 2 3, El Som 2, Hi-Y 2 3, Boosters' 2 3 4, Traffic Squad 2 4

RIGGS, FLORENCE (Flossie) — Academic General, Friendship 2, Boosters' 4

RILEY, JAMES — Academic General, Traffic Squad 2 3 4

ROBERTS, JOAN — College Prep, National Honor Society, Star and Chevron 1 Chevron, Majorette 2 3 4, Latin 2, Spanish 3 4, Boosters' 2 3 4, Youth Gov. Day 4

ROBERTS, NORMAN — College Prep, Debate 2, Speech Team 2, Radio Plays 2 3, German 3 4, Photography 2 3 4 Pres. 2

ROBERTS, WILLIAM ALDER (Bill) — College Prep, Yearbook 4, Latin 2, Spanish 3 4, Bowling 3, Hi-Y 3, Boosters' 3 4, Youth Gov. Day 4

ROBERTS, WILLIAM ALLEN (Bill) — Academic General, Star and Chevron Pin, Band 2 3 4, A Choir 4, B choir 2, Hi-Y Treas 3, Boosters' 3 4

ROCKFIELD, DONALD — Academic General

ROE, VIRGINIA (Jenny) — Academic General, FTA 4

ROGERS, JANE — College Prep, Star and Chevron 1 Chevron, Yearbook 4, Slice IT Thin Crew 3, A Glee 3, B Glee 2, Latin 2 3, Star and Atom 4, Soph. History Forum, Dramatics 2, NTS 2 3 4, FTA 3 4 Pres. 4, Friendship 2 3 4, El Som 2 3, Boosters' 2 3 4, Youth Gov. Day 4

ROGERS, PLOY Jr. — Academic General, Football 2, Track 2

ROLFES, MARILYN (Sissy) — College Prep, National Honor Society, Star and Chevron Pin, Yearbook 4, Orchestra 2 3 4, String Ensemble 3 4, Latin 2, French 3 4, Star and Atom 4, Soph. History Forum Pres., Friendship 2 3 4 Pres. 2, El Som 3 4, Boosters' 2 3 4, Girls' Council 3, Track Relay Queen 4

ROSS, RICHARD (Tiny) — Academic General, Football 2 3 4 "S" 3 4, Grade School Coach 3, Industrial 2, Optimist Club Award 4, Hi-Y 3, Swimming Team 2 3, Boosters' 2 3 4, Photography 3 4, March of Dimes Review 3

ROUSH, JOANNE (Jo) — Academic General, A Choir 4, A Glee 3, B Glee 2, Philirenean 3, Boosters' 2 3, Girls' Council 4

RUDE, RICHARD (Dick) — Academic General, Star and Chevron Pin, A Choir 3 4, B Choir 2, Ensemble 4, Art 2, Boosters ' 4, Boys' Council 3


Ohio Genealogy



Battle of Piqua




City Charter

County Politics and Roster of Officers


Early Clark County

George Rogers Clark

Clark-Shawnee Centennial

Education in Clark County

Ghost Towns

Indians in Clark County

Pioneers and Pioneer Days

Simon Kenton

Military History


The National Road


The Old Northwest




Springfield in 1852

Springfield in 1859

Springfield in 1863

Springfield in 1868

Springfield History

SHS 1951 Yearbook

State and County Government

Then & Now

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