Clark County, Ohio

History and Genealogy


JACKSON, Annah R., died July 31, 2007

JACKSON, Charles "Dean", died January 25, 2008

JACKSON, Charles R. "Chuck", died October 20, 2007

JACKSON, Dale H., died March 22, 2008

JACKSON, Francis E. "Jack", died July 29, 2007

JACKSON, Gary Lee, died October 21, 2008

JACKSON, John J., Jr., died June 20, 2007

JACKSON, Lola B., died August 1, 2007

JACKSON, Nora, died September 25, 2007

JACKSON, Wayne E., died May 10, 2007

JAQUES, Joseph L., died November 9, 2008

JARRELS, Virginia Josephine, died November 22, 2007

JEANBLANC, Gladys Violet, died July 18, 2008

JEFFREY, Sadie E., died November 5, 2007

JENKINS, Bertha Adeline, died October 5, 2007

JENKINS, Charles, died January 29, 2008

JENKINS, Gerry Lee, died March 10, 2008

JENKINS, Hazel Lucille Ford, died May 12, 2007

JENKINS, Karen "Sue" Marie (Huff), died May 9, 2007

JENKINS, Rodger Clinton, died August 4, 2007

JESSEE, Ruth Irene, died November 26, 2007

JETT, Dorothy L., died October 20, 2008

JOHNS, Jane E., died February 15, 2008

JOHNSON, Elizabeth, died May 24, 2008

JOHNSON, Eunice, died September 5, 2007

JOHNSON, Mary H., died December 18, 2007

JOHNSON, Richard A. S., died April 1, 2007

JOHNSON, William O. "Bill", died July 22, 2007

JONES, Allen L., Sr., died September 14, 2008

JONES, Arthur P., died June 28, 2008

JONES, Carolyn Sue, died November 15, 2007

JONES, Charles Edwin, died April 15, 2008

JONES, Donald D., died September 19, 2007

JONES, Estella H. (Hall), died December 3, 2007

JONES, Florence Irene, died June 10, 2007

JONES, Paul Eugene, died May 25, 2007

JUDY, Cathy Lynn, died November 14, 2007

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Ohio Genealogy



Battle of Piqua




City Charter

County Politics and Roster of Officers


Early Clark County

George Rogers Clark

Clark-Shawnee Centennial

Education in Clark County

Ghost Towns

Indians in Clark County

Pioneers and Pioneer Days

Simon Kenton

Military History


The National Road


The Old Northwest




Springfield in 1852

Springfield in 1859

Springfield in 1863

Springfield in 1868

Springfield History

SHS 1951 Yearbook

State and County Government

Then & Now

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