Clark County, Ohio

History and Genealogy

Springfield in 1863

From Directory of the City of Springfield
John W. Kees & Co., Springfield. 1863

al alley or allopathic.
atty attorney.
av avenue.
b between.
bar k barkeeper.
bds. boards.
b. h. boarding house.
bk book or brick.
b. k. book keeper.
bklayer bricklayer.
bldr builder.
bldg. building.
bo botanic.
c. corner.
cab. mkr. cabinet maker.
carp. carpenter.
clk clerk.
cof h coffee house.
com commission.
confec confectioner.
e east
ec eclectic.
eng. engineer.
ex. exchange.
h. house.
ho. homeopathic.
lab. laborer.
manuf. manufactory or manufacturer.
mer. merchant.
mkr. maker.
n. north.
not. pub. notary public.
nr. near.
opp. opposite.
prov. provision.
prop'r. proprietor.
res. residence.
s. south or side.
servt. servant.
w. west.
wh. wholesale.
wks. works.

Cady Grovenor B. (C & Phillips,) bds Willis House
Cady & PHillips, (Grovenor B. C. & Daniel P.) dentists w s Market b Main & High
Calhoon J.C. printer h e s Plumb b Main and High
Calhoon Wm. R. printer h e s Plumb b Main and High
Campbell Anderson, farmer h e s Walnut Alley b Main and Columbia
Campbell Elizabeth, h w s Market b High and Washington
Campion Walter, shoe mkr h n s Harrison b Taylor and Mill
Capron Charles P. (E. P. H. Capron & Bro.) h n s Selma Pike
CAPRON E. P. H. & BRO., (E. P. H. & Charles P. C.,) Photographers, 120 Main
Capron E. P. H. (E. P. H. C. & Bro.) h 77 Centre
Carey John, lab h s s Rogers b Cherry and Centre Av
Carey Martin, tobacco dealer h n s Jefferson b Factory and Mechanic
Carey Patrick, lab h s s Columbia e of Spring
Carey Thomas, lab h w s Cherry b Hill and Harrison
Carlisle Hugh T. printer bds Western House
Carliss Daniel, lab h n s Main e of Water
Carlon John, h 50 Factory
Carlos Patrick, lab h s s Mound w of Cherry
Carrigan Cornelius, h n s Mill Run e of Spring
Carrigan James, painter h n s Mill Run e of Spring
Carrigan James W. finisher wks 177 Main
Carroll John, cart driver h e s Market b Columbia and North
Carter David, trader h s s Main b Centre and Factory
Carter Hugh, tinner h s s Jefferson b Centre and Factory
Cassian James, farmer h w s Cherry b High and Harrison
Cassian Patrick, farmer h w s Cherry b High and Harrison
Cassian Thomas, lab h s s Mound w of Cherry
Cathcart Joseph, livery stable e s Limestone b Main and Columbia, h s e c Mechanic and Main
Cavileer Rachel, h 41 High
Cavanaugh Anthony, shoe mkr s s Main e of Penn
Cavanaugh Charles, lab h w s Cherry b Hill and Harrison
Cavanaugh Michael, lab bds s s Main e of Penn
Cavanaugh Patrick B. shoe mkr h s s Main e of Penn
Cavanaugh Peter, lab h e s Spring n of Columbia
Chaine James, blksmith bds n w c Main and Spring
Chalfant Rev. James F. h s s Mound e of Cherry
Champane Joseph, shoe mkr h n w c Clifton and Scott
Chatman — bk mason bds Western Hotel
Chattler Frederick, h s s High b Mechanic and Factory
Child John C agricultural implement manuf. h w s Mechanic b Main and High
Chin Wm. jr., lab h e s Centre s of Pleasant
Chin Wm. sr., lab h e s Centre s of Pleasant
Chorpenning John F. coal oil manuf. h n s Buck Creek
Christie Jesse, stoves 115 Main, h w s Factory b Main and High
Christie James S. insurance agent, office 114 Main, h n s Race e of Limestone
Christy Robert, carp h 313 Main
Christy Robert V. turner h 313 Main
Cigler Frederick, molder h n s Columbia w of Sycamore
Cisler — farmer h n s Main b W Pleasant and Light
Cisler Frederick, grocery h n s Main b W Pleasant and Light
CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, swc Main and Market; James Cummings, Clerk.
City Hll, s e c High and Market
CITY SOLICITOR'S OFFICE, s e c Main and Limestone; D. M. Cochran, Solicitor.
Clapp Chester, clk bds 37 High
Clark J. Harry, (S. Clark & Sons,) h s w c High and Spring
Clark John H. (S. Clark & Sons,) h e s Limestone n of Buck Creek
Clark Robert, supervisor h s s Selma Pike e of Mill
Clark Samuel, (S. Clark & Sons,) h s w c High and Spring
Clark Samuel, lab h n s Harrison e of Taylor
CLARK S. & SONS, (Samuel, J. Harry, & John H. C.,) Grocers, e s Limestone b Main and High.
CLARKE COUNTY DEMOCRAT, C. M. Gould, Editor and Publisher, 115 Main.
Clarke Elizabeth S. h w s Factory s of Jefferson
Clarke John G. h w s Factory
Clemans Calvin, (J. B. Clemans & Son,) bds n w c Columbia and Market
Clemans & Co. (John B. C. & Joseph M. Phillips,) Prop'rs Cliff Mills n s North b Market and Factory
Clemans John B. (Clemans & Co. and J. B. C. & Son,) h n w c Columbia and Market
Clifford Wm. tinner bds D. F. McWilliams'
Clokey Rev. Joseph, h s s Jefferson b Market and Centre
Clokey Wilson, h s s Jefferson b Market and Centre
Cobaugh Alexander R. clk h e s Limestone b North and Buck Creek
Cobaugh Lewis, millwright h e s Limestone b North and Buck Creek
Cobaugh Wm. T. farmer h e s Limestone b North & Buck Creek
Coble Jacob, carp h s s Main, west end
Cochran A. P. Linn, (C. & Bro.) bds e s Limestone n of Buck Creek
Cochran Aaron, atty s e c Main and Limestone, bds Willis House
COCHRAN & BRO., (David M. & A. P. Linn Cochran,) Agents Ætna Insruance Company, Attorneys at Law, and Notaries Public, s e c Main and Limestone.
COCHRAN D. M. (C. & Bro.) and City Solicitor, Office s e c Main and Limestone.
Cochrane Wm. F. eng bds n s Buck Creek e of Limestone
Coffey Patrick, lab h n s Columbia e of Sycamore
COGGESHALL WM. T., Editor and Publisher of the Springfield Republic, h n s Main b Centre and Factory.
Cogswell Geo. W. conductor h 34 Jefferson
Cole Alexander P. conductor h 74 Centre
Cole Harrison, teacher Greenway Boarding School
Cole Henry, clk 112 Main, bds Knaub's Hotel
Cole Henry C. hostler bds Willis House
Coleman Hellen, servt s w c Market nad Jefferson
Coleman J. Lamar, grocer w s Market b Main and High
Coles & Brother, (John W. & George H. C.) furniture 157 Main
Coles George H. (C. & Bro.) h 161 Main
Coles John W. (C. & Bro.) h 72 Centre
Colligan Bridget, servt 35 High
Compton Adeline, h s s Columbia b Market and Factory
Compton Charles, painter w s Market b Main and High
Compton Emery, carp h w s Cherry b Harrison and Clifton
Compton Wm. H. harness mkr h s s Jefferson b Centre and Factory
Condren Patrick, lab h n s Main e of Spring
Conklin Wm. plasterer h n s Pleasant b Centre and Factory
Conley Michael, lab h e s Taylor b Harrison and Clifton
Connell Julia, servt s s High b Gallagher and Mill
Conner Thomas, lime burner h s w c North and Market
Conory Jerry, lab h s s Columbia w of Sycamore
Conrey Rev. J. Ford, h w s Centre s of Pleasant
Convey Margaret, servt e s Market b High and Washington
Cook Harman T. chair mkr h s s Columbia e of Spring
Cook John, mech h n s North b Mechanic and Yellow Spring
Cook Joseph, lab h w of Plumb n of North
Cook Wm. teamster h n s Columbia b Light and Pleasant
Coole Caroline, servt 6 Market
Coole John, mach h n s North b Factory and Mechanic
Cooper David, hardware 119 Main, h 46 Centre
Cooper James M. clk 119 Main, bds Knaub's Hotel
Cooper Samuel, h 34 High
Copenheffer Reuben, (Wm. Burns & Co.) h s s Main e of Penn
Copes — cartman h n s Jefferson b Mechanic and Plumb
Copes Wm. h n s Jefferson b Mechanic and Plumb
Corcoran Thomas, grocery 70 Main
Cork Patrick, lab h n s Columbia b Murray and Sycamore
Corley Patrick, lab h w s Mill b Mill Run and Railroad
Coos John, daguerrotypes 128 Main, h n w c Limestone and Miller
Cotes Peter, hats and caps 114 Main, h 37 High
COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE, n e c Limestone and Colubmia; John Newlove, Auditor.
COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE, Court House Building; Absalom Mattox, Clerk.
County Jail, n s High b Spring and Foster
COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE, n e c Limestone and Columbia; Wm. S. Meranda, Recorder.
County Surveyor's Office, 117 Main
County Treasurer's Office, 99 Main; Theodore Wick, Treasurer
Court House, n w c Limestone and Columbia
Cowman John, tailor h s s Washington b Factory and Centre
Cox Coleman, lab h e s Centre s of Pleasant
Cox Luke, stone mason bds n s Washington b Spring and Gallagher
Cox Mary, servt 97 Main
Cox Michael, lab h n s Columbia e fo Water
Cox Peter, lab h e s Cherry b High and Harrison
Crager — carp bds Western Hotel
Crager Nathaniel, carp h w s Factory b North and Columbia
Criley Alfred H. teacher h s s N Centre e of Limestone
Criley Isaac, pottery h s s N Centre e of Limestone
Criley John M. h s s N Centre e of Limestone
Criley Wm. W. teacher h s s N Centre e of Limestone
Crimmer Jesse, bk mason h n e c Factory and Washington
Crist Annie h n s High b Centre and Factory
Crist Hanry, shoe mkr h n s Washington b Centre and Factory
Crist Laura, h n s High b Centre and Factory
CROFT DAVID L., Silver and Brass Plater, 188 Main, h n w c Market and Jefferson.
Croft David J. distiller h s s Main b Foster and Penn
Croft Pauline, h n w c Market and Jefferson
Crombleholme George, carriage painter bds at James Fleming's
Croney Jerry, lab h n s Columbia b Water and Spring
Crooker Frank, harness mkr h w s Yellow Spring n of North
Crooker Gordon, tinner h w s Yellow Spring n of North
Cross James N. boots and shoes n s Main one door east of Knaub's Hotel
Crossland Allen M. harness mkr h w s Limestone b Columbia and Main
Crossland Emanuel, constable h w s Limestone b North and Buck Creek
Crothers Wm. L. h s s Market b Mulberry and Pleasant
Crouch Wm. T. carp n s Main b Factory and Mechanic
Crow Benjamin, driver h s s Main b Spring and Foster
Crowell Abner B. pattern mkr h w s Market s of Pleasant
Crown Joshua, baker h w s Market b High and Washington
Crowthers John P. h s e c Main and Race
Croy Elizabeth, servt n w c Limestone and Race
Crum Cary T. clk 117 Main, h s s Mulberry b Limestone and Spring
Crum Rev. George C. h s s Mulberry b Spring and Limestone
Culp Jacob, carp bds American House
Culp Levi, plasterer h w s Factory b High and Main
Cumming Rev. Edward H. h n s Main e of Locust Av.
Cummings Finley O. h s s High b Mill and Railroad Bridge
CUMMINGS JAMES W., City Clerk, office, s w c Main and Market; h s s High b Mill and Railroad Bridge
Cummings Mary A. h s s High b Mill and Railroad Bridge
Cummings Capt. Wilber F. h s s High b Mill and Railroad Bridge
Cunningham Edward, tailor h n e c Jefferson and Factory
Cunningham Peter, lab h e s Yellow Spring Road s of Washington
Curtis Jacob A. carp h w s Scott b Harrison and Clifton
Cushin Robert, cooper h e s Spring b Main and Columbia
Cushing Daniel, bds w s Mill b Mill Run and Selma Pike
Cushman James, carriage mkr h e s Factory b Main & Columbia
Cushman Wm. D. (Holloway and C) bds Willis House
Cussen Robert, cooper h e s Spring b Main and Columbia


Ohio Genealogy



Battle of Piqua




City Charter

County Politics and Roster of Officers


Early Clark County

George Rogers Clark

Clark-Shawnee Centennial

Education in Clark County

Ghost Towns

Indians in Clark County

Pioneers and Pioneer Days

Simon Kenton

Military History


The National Road


The Old Northwest




Springfield in 1852

Springfield in 1859

Springfield in 1863

Springfield in 1868

Springfield History

SHS 1951 Yearbook

State and County Government

Then & Now

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