Clark County, Ohio

History and Genealogy

Springfield in 1863

From Directory of the City of Springfield
John W. Kees & Co., Springfield. 1863

al alley or allopathic.
atty attorney.
av avenue.
b between.
bar k barkeeper.
bds. boards.
b. h. boarding house.
bk book or brick.
b. k. book keeper.
bklayer bricklayer.
bldr builder.
bldg. building.
bo botanic.
c. corner.
cab. mkr. cabinet maker.
carp. carpenter.
clk clerk.
cof h coffee house.
com commission.
confec confectioner.
e east
ec eclectic.
eng. engineer.
ex. exchange.
h. house.
ho. homeopathic.
lab. laborer.
manuf. manufactory or manufacturer.
mer. merchant.
mkr. maker.
n. north.
not. pub. notary public.
nr. near.
opp. opposite.
prov. provision.
prop'r. proprietor.
res. residence.
s. south or side.
servt. servant.
w. west.
wh. wholesale.
wks. works.

Ackerson, David H. carp h s w c Spring and Pleasant
Adams David, mach bds Willis House
Adams Calvin L. farmer h n w c High and Mechanic
Affleck Wm. tailor h e s Mechanic s of Washington
Albin Cyrus, painter h e s Market s of Pleasant
Albin Gabriel, Undertaker, 173 Main, h e s Centre b Main and High
Aldridge Azro, butcher h s s High s of Cherry
Alexander John, lab h n s Mulberry b Centre and Factory
Allarton Rachel, dress mkr bds 61 Main
Allen Benjamin, jeweler 130 Main, h 94 Market
Allen Thomas, lab h e s Yellow Spring Road s of Washington
Allen Wm. farmer h e s Maiden Lane b Yellow Spring and Plumb
Allers August, shoe mkr bds Western House
Altschul Charles, fruit dealer h 77 High
Altschul Samuel, (M. Kaufmann & Co.) bds w s Centre b Main and High
American Express Company, Office, in Northern Depot, c. P. Norris, Agent.
American House, n s Main b Centre and Factory
Ames —, bk layer h n s rogers e of Central Av
Amos John, h n e c Gallagher and Mill Run
Amos Rachel, h n e c Gallagher and Mill Run
Amsden Amory, h s e c Spring and Gillett's Av
Amsden Lucinda M. bds s e c Gillett's Av and Spring
Anderson James, (Myers & A.) h s w c Main and Plumb
Anderson James, carp h w s Market s of Pleasant
Anderson Joseph, drayman h n s Columbia b Market and Limestone
Anderson Joseph, white washer h e s Grant s of Pleasant
Anderson Rosanna, bds 11 Factory
Anderson Samuel H. boots and shoes 131 Main, bds Willis House
Anderson Thompson, carp h w s Market s of Pleasant
Anderson Wm. stone mason h w s Plumb b Columbia and Main
Anthony Mary E. w s Limestone b Main and Columbia
Arbogast Eli M. carp h s e c Columbia and Factory
Arbogast Enoch G. wagon mkr h n s Columbia b Factory and Mechanic
Arbogast James H. carp h s e c North and Yellow Spring
Arbogast Seth, carp h n s Columbia b Factory and Mechanic
Armsby O. h s s High e of Cherry
Armstrong Arthur, lab h s s Main b Factory and Mechanic
Armstrong George, mech bds s w c Market and Washington
Armstrong Thomas, lab h w s Gallagher n of Mill Run
Arnett Andrew, shoe mkr h s w c Columbia and Factory
Arnett John, mach h s s Columbia b Factory and Mechanic
Arnett Mary, h s w c Columbia and Factory
Arturs Thomas, lab h n s High e of Cherry
Ash Wm. F. h n e c High and Plumb
Atkinson Charles, shoe mkr h s s Columbia b Market and Factory


Ohio Genealogy



Battle of Piqua




City Charter

County Politics and Roster of Officers


Early Clark County

George Rogers Clark

Clark-Shawnee Centennial

Education in Clark County

Ghost Towns

Indians in Clark County

Pioneers and Pioneer Days

Simon Kenton

Military History


The National Road


The Old Northwest




Springfield in 1852

Springfield in 1859

Springfield in 1863

Springfield in 1868

Springfield History

SHS 1951 Yearbook

State and County Government

Then & Now

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